Faith & Fantasy Alliance

The official blog of Realm Makers, the only symposium for people of faith who love speculative fiction

Who Are We?

The Faith and Fantasy Alliance is a sole proprietorship started by author and artist Rebecca P Minor, but supported by a host of excellent allies. The central goal of F&FA is to advocate for Christians who create science fiction and fantasy content, whether the final product is a book, a painting, a game, a movie, jewelry, whatever.

The Faith and Fantasy Alliance coordinates an annual symposium for science fiction and fantasy creators called Realm Makers. The first Realm Makers conference attracted about 90 attendees (if you include faculty in the count.) Going forward, we hope to significantly grow the conference from a writers conference into a multi-media convention that celebrates the fact that you can be a Christian and love Speculative storytelling.

Also in the future, F&FA hopes to take the wares of its members to select venues such as homeschool conventions, comic, gaming, and fantasy/sci-fi cons. More on that, as well as the next Realm Makers, to come.

10 thoughts on “Who Are We?

  1. I think I might explode from excitement. The past two years I have been told that there are no Christian organizations, agents, publishers who want sci-fi/fantasy, especially with no obvious Christian message. I was speaking with Torry Martin as he lead a class. He mentioned Realm Walkers in passing. Thank you for existing!

    1. I’m so thrilled you got a chance to talk to Torry and he gave us a little shout out! That’s great. If you haven’t found us yet, we’re also on facebook and twitter: and @realmmakers.

      Thanks for your comment!

  2. Hello!
    I was wondering what advice you would have for someone blogging about Faith and Fantasy. I have a blog where I review YA fantasy from a Christian worldview, but I’d like to expand my horizons for the blog. I wanted to know if you could offer any advice as I move forward.

  3. I have been a Christian wanting to write fantasy for just as most of my life, and have been told for almost as long that Christianity and fantasy don’t mix. This is a fantastic resource. How do I become a member?

    1. Hi Lauricia! So glad you found us. At the moment, the Faith and Fantasy Alliance is focusing on providing a yearly event called Realm Makers, a two-day conference that brings together Christian authors, like you, who think fantasy and Christianity DO mix.

      For now, we aren’t taking formal members, which isn’t to say we won’t be down the line. (We can only focus on so many fronts at once, basically) Until then, I would recommend you follow this blog so you don’t miss articles and updates, and consider also following the Realm Makers Facebook page. That’s where we talk a lot about topics that writers like us enjoy, as well as announce conference news. You can find that at

      Thanks for dropping in! Looking forward to seeing you around this crazy niche.

    1. Hi Tina–Thank you for your comment here and for joining us in our little neck of the woods.

      Currently, Realm Makers operates on an invitation basis for our faculty. As we grow, it may become necessary to open to proposals, but only time will tell. Keep an eye on us, and I promise we’ll announce it when that day comes.

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