Yes, folks, that’s right. Among the last few details I’ve been locking down in terms of class content at Realm Makers: 2013, I’ve been populating a panel on horror writing. Now there’s a topic you don’t see a whole lot about at your garden-variety Christian writer’s conference. But because we’re the wacky what-iffers we are, yes, we’ll be addressing the genre wholeheartedly. Panel members TBA.

I’m also excited to announce that Matt Yocum will be teaching a session on the process of turning an idea into a comic book or graphic novel. A little about Matt:

Matt Yocum1Matt Yocum is the lead writer and head of Hangar 19 Studios.  In his writing career, he’s written for Marvel Comics (New Avengers, Wolverine), Arcana Studios (with a soon-to-be released graphic novel titled ClosetWorld), and webcomics through  Matt has also self-published two novels of speculative fiction, science fiction adventure The Calling and a military conspiracy thriller, Honor.

Matt is a lieutenant colonel in the US Air Force and has spent over 6 years serving in the Middle East and is preparing for 3 more years at the US Embassy in Amman, Jordan.  He most recently completed a tour at the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) at Ft. Bragg, NC

He describes his session thusly:

This session will focus on how to turn your idea into a comic book or graphic novel.  Many pieces must come together including: finding an artist (penciler/inker), colorist, and letterer, as well as finding the right mechanism to release the comic (mainstream, independent, or self-published, along with print or digital distribution).  This workshop will take you through each element, from concept to creation, and show you how to turn your idea into a union of words and art that makes a comic.

With every piece that falls into place, the excitement keeps building! Do consider joining us on August 2-3. Registration opens three weeks from today!